Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Life Worth Living

I woke up this morning to the sweet sound of birds singing outside my window. Their harmonies promise warm weather, fresh breezes and renewed energy. Like a snake charmer they mesmerize me with their melody, and I find it easier to rise and meet the day.

I poured a brisk cup of coffee, stepped onto my front porch, and breathed deeply of rich soil and new grass. I took in the sight of my cherry tree in full blossom, and the blanket of fuchsia flowers on my Red bud. Both danced in the wind as I watched with admiration. And all the while, my ears were treated to another chorus from an array of birds who call my trees home. I love springtime in Missouri!

There are two times of year when I especially enjoy my drive back and forth to Leasburg. Spring and fall. The tone of colors are vastly different, but each one stimulates creativity none the less. In March and April I appreciate the pinks, greens and whites sprinkled throughout the hills in our area. As the temperatures rise, the whole world comes alive after a long winter of hibernation.

Once I arrive at work, I step out of my vehicle, and I'm greeted by a new song. The music of birds who call Ozark Outdoors home. There is one small difference here. The welcoming sound of our feathered troupe carries across the water, and the symphony magnifies and reverberates around the resort. Nothing compares to the energy generated by the river.

I long to hop in a canoe, float down the river, and let nature soothe my winter-worn soul. However, the door of opportunity only opens a short time, and allows me entry to the unique pleasures of spring. I hope I don't miss it and I hope you don't either. It's time to celebrate spring in Missouri, God's best, life worth living!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Ozark Outdoors + Spring = FUN!

The rise in temperature brings a rise in energy. It thrills us to see campers, lodgers and floaters cross our threshhold to experience the great outdoors. Singing birds, warm breezes, blue skies and fluffy white clouds fill the air. What a beautiful world we enjoy!

It's the time of year when a walk around the resort makes you breathe deeper and count your blessings. With so much bad news floating in the air, it's nice to remember good things and show gratitude for them. The smiles on our guests faces lets us know they are doing the same.

We were team training yesterday when a father walked in to take his children on a last minute float trip. You could hear the excitement in his voice and each time we see this kind of reaction it inspires us. To watch people make lifetime memories is an honor.

The phones are ringing, we are training, the weather's gorgeous, and the river's fabulous. Just like 1+1=2, this adds up to a wonderful time for our guests. The forecast is magnificent, so give us a call and get outside so you can breathe deeply the things of spring.

Don't miss the budding trees, blooming flowers, and fresh air unique to this time of year. Get outside and make your own memory; we're waiting to help you write the equation. Ozark Outdoors + Spring = F-U-N!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Be a Sport - Don't Import!

Federal and State conservation officials are concerned with the Emerald Ash Borer. Yet many other silent killers are on the list of potential environmental destructors. Disease and pestilence are often carried on the backs of wood cut and sold for camping. This makes the movement of firewood from one location to another a bad idea.

Even with the most cautious actions, our guests could inadvertantly bring deadly hitchhikers onto our grounds. As a result, we plead for your help. In our continuous efforts to be part of the Go Green solutions geared to save our environment, we ask you to do your part. Please do not bring imported firewood to Ozark Outdoors.

If we all work together we can save countless trees and other priceless natural resources. Thank you for caring about Missouri and our planet! Thank you for being our guest!!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Emerald Ash Borer

I last spoke about Missouri's silent killer, the Emerald Ash Borer. I promised to tell you how it impacts you. Being a woman of my word, "Let's talk."

The voracious insect migrated across the ocean in cargo ships or airplanes arriving from Asia. He hitchhiked in crates of imported goods. He made his presence known to the U.S. in Southeastern Michigan during the summer of 2002. Between 2003 and 2007 he reared his ugly head in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. Missouri and Virginia were unceremoniously added to the list in 2008.

He killed tens of millions of ash trees in Michigan alone. Federal quarantines of ash, logs and other hardwoods are in place for areas where the Emerald Ash Borer infestation occurs. But, "How does all of this affect me?" you might ask.

This tiny terror has cost us plenty, but promises to cost us even more. The price of which will spill directly into your wallet and energy; two of your most precious resources.

*With the utter destruction of millions of trees he depletes our oxygen levels, thereby adding to potential ozone problems. Since we cannot rebuild our ozone layer, we spend billions as a nation looking for alternative solutions. The more photosynthesis options we lose, the more money it costs us.

*As municipal, local, state and national government agencies look for answers they spend our tax dollars. The more widespread the problem, the more money we need to fund them.

*The Emerald Ash Borer concentrates his efforts on the ash family of trees, a popular choice for urban landscapers. It's common beauty is also resplendent in our wild forests. For every tree killed, more time and money have to be spent to replace them with another variety. And since no one wants to feed the monster, we lose the unique quality of the ash, because they cannot be replanted.

*And finally, no one yet knows the long term consequences from losing a viable life source in our global food chain. If this problem continues unchecked, we could see our entire ash population wiped out. Their extinction would certainly affect other life forms around them.

*All of this drills down to the bottom line, "YOU." If you import wood from one location to another, you could potentially violate federal and/or state regulations. This could result in fines or other legal ramifications. As awareness and migration of the Emerald Ash Borer heighten, so could the degree of punishment for those caught unwittingly moving the little varmint.

He may dwarf in size when compared to a copper penny, but his massive bite is felt across our country. Please stay tuned as we talk next time. I beg you to join our efforts at Ozark Outdoors in healing our environment. We need your help!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Exit Wounds

A silent killer is on the loose in Missouri. He ravages communities in neighboring states and his sites are set on us. You haven't heard about him yet? Don't feel alone, his signature modus operandi is not yet public knowledge.

It isn't humans he's after, but he steals, kills and destroys a precious resource. This criminal is best known for boring into the heart of his victim. He tunnels his way just under the skin, stealing life at a torturous rate. Slowly squeezing, until breath ceases to exist. Upon total devasation, he leaves behind a distinctive mark, an exit wound; the only evidence to confirm it was he.

His mode of transportation is even more alarming. He hitchhikes from destination to destination, often unbeknownst to the traveler in whose vehicle he rides. He may be hidden in yours. You can check if you know where to look.

Who is the silent killer who wants to invade Missouri? He is the Emerald Ash Borer and his unique exit wound threatens to sculpt destruction across our wooded landscape. Does it matter to you? It should. How does it affect you? Follow our blog and we'll tell you. Can you make a difference? Absolutely!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Lions and Eagles and Learning

March roared into our lives today. This lioness calls our attention to sunshine, cool temperatures and a promise of spring. The tree buds swell in anticipation, ready to birth their leaves, while tulips peak through the soil flirtatiously. Roar - lioness - roar! We are SO ready for summer at Ozark Outdoors.

Last week we hosted the National Paddlesports Business School in Leasburg, Missouri. We enjoyed an amazing three days of education and networking. We armed ourselves with great ideas, practical solutions, and immediate results. We are pumped to use these tools so we can offer more to our guests!

All of the seminars proved beneficial, but admittedly the best experience was our outdoor classroom on Wednesday. We took advantage of a sixty degree day, manned canoes, taught class on a gravel bar, and floated down the river. Bald eagles escorted us through a long stretch, flying majestically overhead, until they perched in the tree above us. They looked down proudly as we waved at them like children.

It won't be long and every day will allow us to float with the eagles, while warm breezes softly kiss our cheeks. Our stretch along the Meramec River boasts many nests, and we are awed by the presence of our feathered guards.

We hope the roaring lioness of March calls you to summer breezes at Ozark Outdoors. Where eagles float in the air, while you float along the river. May you be energized by your own experience in nature's classroom!