Monday, May 17, 2010

Who's Ready For A Real Rock River Weekend?

Have you already heard the news? Ozark Outdoors has partnered with KSHE 95 to bring you the 1st Annual Real Rock River Weekend! The event will ROCK the campground June 4-6, bringing you live concerts from some of your favorite rockers!

Here are the concert line-ups for Friday and Saturday Nights:

Trixie Delight formed in 2001 and has been a favorite St. Louis cover band for years, delighting audiences with their favorite hits from the 70’s, 80’s, 90’s and today. Audiences have traveled to see Trixie Delight perform all of their favorite songs, all on one stage, all in one night. When you hear them live, you are sure to become one of their many followers!

Trixie Delight is made up of some of the most versatile and talented guitarists and a slammin’ rhythm section: Steve Bunck on drums, Tyronne Davis on bass, and Steve Bunton and Obeid Khan on guitars. Leading the front of the band with lead vocals is Kelly Wild, one of St. Louis’ top vocalists. She can cover songs originally recorded by male artists like The Doors, Nirvana and Audioslave, and is said to sound just like the original recordings. Trixie delight is pleased to join us for the Real Rock River Weekend both Friday and Saturday night, center stage!

The Tony Campanella Band is advertised as “Heavy Electric Blues from the Lou!” Tony Campanella and his band brings to the stage influences like Buddy Guyd, Albert Collins, and Muddy Waters to create a heavy hitting but soulful sound that can’t be described as just Blues. The band has shared the stage with popular bands, including Kenny Wayne Sheppard, Walter Trout, and Indegenous.

This soulful trio is made up of Tony Campanella on guitar and vocals, Terry Melton on the drums, and Bike ok the bass. They will take the stage on Friday night!

Logos will put on the weekend finale with strong vocal melodies, interesting chord changes, busy bass lines, screeching guitar solos and thunderous drum breaks. If you are a new fan, be prepared for the solid, high energy and vividly compelling show exploding upon the stage before you! Logos is made up of Zach Czajkowski, Cullen O’Donnell and Tom Pike. Although these three performers are young, they bring 36 years of combined experience fused flawlessly and ardently. Their energy will surely fit the bill to be the finale of the KSHE 95 1stAnnual Real Rock River Weekend!

Let’s rock together on June 4 – 6 at Ozark Outdoors! Bring your lawn chairs, a few cold drinks, and the drive to party in the outdoors with good times, good people, and great music. If you haven’t reserved for your group yet, call us today! We’ve saved a spot just for you!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

It's Time for Spring Cleaning!

The snow melted off the hillsides of the Huzzah Conservation Area. Spring breezes brush fallen leaves off the landscape and expose a careless array of litter and garbage. Knowing the importance of keeping our area’s natural resources clean, employees at Ozark Outdoors in Leasburg took a few days to beautify the area. With spring near, and April showers in sight, Kevin jumped on the four-wheeler. He spent three days lining the roads between the Meramec River Bridge and Scotia Bridge, winding through the 4-way at Scotia Ranch Road and down through the Courtois Primitive Campground. All together, five miles of roadway, between these river accesses, are now litter- free. You would not believe some of the items found throughout the piles of leaves, tree limbs and root wads from recent floods! Everything from car parts and patio furniture to clothing items and hoses were mangled on the hill sides and in ditches. Piles were made along the road for employees to gather for sorting. For many years, Ozark Outdoors has been caring for the Courtois Primitive access area through the Missouri Department of Conservation’s Adopt-An-Access Program. Mowing the grass, picking up trash and cleaning the facilities are among some of the responsibilities Ozark Outdoors has undertaken. Everyone benefits from the reduced agency costs for maintenance in the area. In August of 2009, Ozark Outdoors hosted their annual Operation Clean Stream event. During this event, 122 participants cleaned approximately 106 miles of the Meramec Watershed, including 16 miles on the Courtois Creek, 14 miles of the Huzzah creek, and 76 miles of the Meramec River. More than 3000 pounds of litter was collected, including more than 1000 pounds of metal material. Ozark Outdoors plans to continue this annual Operation Clean Stream event on August 29th 2010 with ambitions of covering more area behind the power of more dedicated volunteers.

The unique part of this process happens after all of the litter is compiled. The employees of Ozark Outdoors sort through every piece of trash, pulling out anything that can be recycled, including aluminum cans and old tires. These items are disposed of properly, making this area of the Meramec River Watershed a whole lot greener.

If you and your organization would like to help in the river clean-up efforts or would like information on
Adopt-An-Access, contact Ozark Outdoors at 1-800-888-0023 or visit The Missouri Stream Team website,


Monday, February 22, 2010

Kayaking isn't Just for Olympic Athletes!

When you think of the Olympics, what comes to mind? Gymnastics? Figure Skating? Beach volleyball? How about canoe and kayak racing? Yes, canoe and kayak racing is an Olympic event that gains little attention. Fifty years ago, in the 1960 Summer Olympics, the United States winning a medal in canoeing or kayaking seemed impossible. Now, fifty years later, the US still lacks in the medal department, only winning 2 bronze medals in the past 20 years.

Ozark Outdoors Challenges YOU to get in on the canoe and kayak race! We are calling all Americans, young and old, to find their passion on the water. Who knows - Maybe your 8 year old daughter will be the next Olympic Gold Medalist in the 1000m kayak sprint! Let Ozark Outdoors be your “Flat Water Training Center,” and let the games begin!


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Is is true...?

Is it true that there are no two snowflakes that are exactly alike? According to the Library of Congress, this myth is true! Each and every powdery snowflake that falls from the heavens has its own story to tell. The chance that two snowflakes could ever prove identical is minuscule. Trillions of assorted snowflakes will fall this winter, each one with a different design and purpose – to awe the world.

When you think about snow, what comes to mind?: White, sparkling diamonds, scarves and gloves, frigid temperatures, hot chocolate, warm fires, snowmen and igloos? Most people would give similar answers, however; because of the wonders of snowflakes, these answers are also different. The snowball you threw at your brother's face yesterday is nothing like the snowball you threw at your sister's face today!

For about a week now, snow has been covering our back yard with this unique blanket, each patch in the pattern built and sewn differently to create a masterpiece. The photo opportunities right now are priceless.

You can't enjoy the snow from the recliner in your living room, so bundle up, head outside and build a snowman, create a barrier between you and your children so you have something to hide behind when they attack you with snowballs, rent a snow-covered cabin in the heart of the Ozarks, and capture these memories on film. The window of opportunity is closing.


Monday, February 1, 2010

A Day with the Bald Eagles

Thanks to the unusually warm January weather, I was fortunate to spend part of my afternoon attempting to capture a glimpse of the kings of the air – the Missouri Bald Eagles. Gossiping blackbirds, gusts of winds full of secrets and trickling streams filled my ears as my eyes ventured into the sky. My sense of sight reigned at the top of my priority list, but my sense of hearing was fighting for my attention. These sounds are a constant flow of communication. Dying to jump into the conversation, the wind continues to whisper a soft invitation more tempting than the invitations of summer.
The ripples of the Meramec stay uniform, never stepping out of line until just around the bend, a merry-go-round sucks the children in to play before they are quickly tugged back into their formation. Jealous, I sit back and watch this parade as it continues downstream, always aware of where it has been and where it is going. The water never doubts or questions its direction but trusts its banks and fellow streams. Jealousy is the only way to describe this feeling; jealous that we can’t have such a luxury. Standing over the water, a dim reflection shows hope that I can somehow be part of this paradise. The watery outlines of my silhouette are a promise between nature and man: We are always welcome here.

If only we can trust Mother Nature like Mother Nature trusts us. We act out of fear, misunderstanding and denial. The river acts out of trust, peace and freedom. We often take the river and its surroundings for granted, unearthing those promises by disguising its trust with ignorance and pride.

After an hour of waiting and the winter clouds killing the sunlight, I spotted a bright white dot in the distance start to grow. The closer it got, the more my heart pumped. Looking through the lens, I held my breath, focused on Baldie and hoped for the best. I caught him! Check these out…

The invitation is extended to everyone: Man and beast, rain and snow, sun and storm, draught and flood. Accept your invitation to enjoy the gossip of the outdoors this summer. Come down, see Baldie, and let Ozark Outdoors guide you to a perfect vacation away from the real world. We’re ready.
