Friday, September 25, 2009

The Sound of Music

Last night, clasps of thunder and rays of lightening filled the sky as the rain fell from the darkened clouds to quench the thirst of hundreds of miles of Ozark vegetation. The dry, humid air fell quickly to a chilly fog. It is funny how everyone seems to sleep better when it’s raining, but why is this so common? Is it because the sound of heavy wind mixed with a reoccurring pattern of water droplets reminds us of a soft lullaby? Is it because the smell of fresh rain and crisp, clean air threads comfort through our veins? The natural music of nature is so unique that no other song can compare.

As I was listening to the rain slowly dissipate around 6am this morning, I couldn’t help but compare each sound to the instrument in a band; the water droplets a steady drum, the wind a multitude of strings, the dissolving crashes of thunder an unexpected guitar. Each sound had its specific purpose. Kind of makes you think, doesn’t it?

It’s nice to be able to wear a long sleeved shirt to work and not have to roll up your sleeves halfway through the day. Now that the heat wave of the summer is finally over, the warmth of a sweatshirt is finally comfortable. Soon everyone will be trading in their flip flops and tank tops for flannel shirts and boots, but that doesn’t mean our outdoor fun is over. Snuggle up next to someone you love in front of a warm campfire, fill your thermos with hot chocolate, and take a late-night hayride. The comforting music of the outdoors will keep you satisfied throughout the year.
